Venticinque brani anche per la setlist di Vancouver. Prossimo appuntamento stasera al White River Amphitheatre di Auburn nel Washington. Orario identico a quello di ieri (-9 ore).

01. 15 Step
02. There There
03. Morning Bell
04. All I Need
05. Where I End And You Begin
06. Talk Show Host
07. Nude
08. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
09. The National Anthem
10. Bangers And Mash
11. Faust Arp
12. Videotape
13. Karma Police
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15. Just
16. Exit Music [For A Film]
17. Bodysnatchers
encore #1:
18. House of Cards
19. Optimistic
20. You And Whose Army?
21. Planet Telex
22. Everything In Its Right Place
encore #2:
23. Reckoner
24. 2+2=5
25. Paranoid Android